Monday, 28 May 2012

Blog Another Day

 A spy parody of James Bond films


1. The challenges and tribulations of being a group assignment
·         Time constraints – Filming takes a considerable amount of time even though it only captures only a few minutes in the final edit. Organising everyone’s availabilities
·         Meeting up was a challenge. We had to film in two separate occasions to fit our busy schedules.

2.                        The process of creating the video
·         Our theme for the video is a satirical representation of the methodologies involved in the creation of our blog.
·         We’ve drawn inspiration from spy movies such as James Bond, Kim Possible, and Danger 5.
·         We filmed it on campus and on a dormitory.
·         We used a software film editor to cut the desired the scenes in order. Sony Vegas was used as one of the members was more familiar with this particular program.
·         Some sound effects were added in an audio track to add a ‘spy feel’ to it.
·         We used voice over sound clips to add humour. ‘Simlish’ conversations from the game The Sims was incorporated in our film.
·         To add more of a spy feel to it, we used fonts and colours that resembles vintage spy films.
·         We also added some clips to help emphasise the satirical nature of our video.
·         It was uploaded into the blog with a link to Youtube.

3. How does the video relate to your blog?
·         It relates to the methodology of the creation of our blog.
·         It describes how we selected and communicated to each other on movies that were blogged about.
·         When we saw an interesting video/movie, we would contact one another to see which one was going to do the blog.
·         We wanted to document this in our film.
·         We incorporated some of the films that we blogged about as an inspiration for our video’s theme.
·         From the movies we blogged about, we selected a few that we decided to make a parody of.

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